Exclusive Holiday Menu
We Bring Thanksgiving to You!
Delivered to Your Door with Reheating Instructions
$450 Feeds 6 Generously! *Additional $45ppOrder By Nov. 21
Delivered Between Nov. 26th-27th per Client Request
5% Trip Fee
*All items provided with Reheat/Service/Storage Instructions
Your Thanksgiving Menu includes:
1 Appetizer, 1 Main Course, 2 Sides, and 1 Dessert.
Additional sides: $25
Sweet Corn And Sausage FrittersCountry Pate with Fig Jam, Pickled Veggies and Flatbreads
Japanese Eggplant Bruschetta, Hummus Spread, Roasted Olives
Deviled Eggs- Chef's Personal Favorite! Everything Seasoning!
Baby Romaine and Spinach Salad with Apple Balsamic Dressing
Spicy Walnuts and Cranberries, Boccocini
Chef's Green Bean Casserole - Fine Dining Funyuns
Macaroni and Cheese Casserole
Traditional Turkey and "The Works" (Whipped potatoes/Gravy)
Holiday Seafood Sampler and Nautical Accompaniments
Traditional Pies and Desserts Available and Inclusive (Pumpkin/Pecan/Apple)
Cranberry/Turtle Cheesecake with Oreo Crust $40 UpchargePumpkin Spice Cheesecake $35 Upcharge